Friday, June 04, 2010


BP Whistleblowers mean BP must pay for Oil Spill

There are two whistleblowers who did work for BP giving eveidence to CBS 60 Minutes. These two men show clearly that BP was in a rush and ignored the safety of everyone on the platform.

The first man, [Mike Willams] worked on the rig and noticed broken rubber sealing parts in the drilling mud flow. The BP supervisor ignored his warnings and pressed on with production.

The second person [ Ken Abbott ], is an engineer who reviewed hundreds of blueprint drawings for another BP platform [ Atlantis ], with a far bigger oil flow capacity. He is very worried because in typical BP high pressure fashion, 89 to 95 percent of the blueprints were never properly reviewed and approved.

This Link is to CBS 60 minutes excellent account with inside information from Mike Williams.

Whitleblowers, those who have the courage to come forth with the truth, are essential if justice is ever to be fair and accurate.

This is the most dramatic and gripping occount of events I have ever seen. Not to be missed.

BP was shown to be negligent for the huge Texas refinery explosion,2005, [ killing fifteen men]. A few years ago, Bp was made to pay the biggest corporate financial penalty in history. Is there a pattern?

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