Friday, May 25, 2007
Evs and Hybrids in Big City Mayors plans
This is a Nissan AltimaAV
Major city mayors are doing things concrete to make a clear air difference in places like Mexico city and New york .. ..
** I had the good fortune earlier this month to share the podium in Mexico City with Mayor Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon when he committed his city (the third most populated one on the planet) to a major initiative of battery EV use by the municipal government. The program will shortly expand to taxi cabs and the hybridization of transit buses.
The following week in New York, Mayor Ebrard joined peers from the 40 largest cities in the world to discuss their efforts to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg used that occasion to announce his city's plans to convert the entire 13,000 vehicle fleet of yellow cabs to hybrid vehicles over the next five years.
Brian Wynne
Looks like progress to me. = TG
Labels: battery, buses, electric, EV, EVs, hybrid, hybrid buses, hybrids, taxi cabs