Saturday, November 05, 2016
Information Wanted
We may be doomed.... We have 60,000 ships on the oceans burning the worst bunker fuels spewing poisons into the air every minute. We have hundreds of thousands of diesel burning tractor trailers shifting our foods and stuff over the world's highways in every country.
We have world industry building more dirty fuel ships and tractors every day.
If you see this trend turning around then please explain how. I admit I am sadly ignorant of how this is supposed to happen. Looking for hope and information from YOU. TG
We have world industry building more dirty fuel ships and tractors every day.
If you see this trend turning around then please explain how. I admit I am sadly ignorant of how this is supposed to happen. Looking for hope and information from YOU. TG
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Payday Loan Fraud Continues
Consumer Protection Branch was a help to us a few years ago. Recently they caused rip-off payday loan offices to send a rebate to those who were robbed. I have a friend who needs cigarettes badly and uses a pay-day loan firm. They did send her a rebate, but it was for a paultry seventeen [$17] dollars.
She would borrow $80 for three weeks and pay back $120. They would charge $40 to load that $80 on a card which gave her only $40. She borrowed $80 almost every month. er..$40.
Do you think a $17 dollar rebate covers those amazing over charges?
Do you think the Consumer Protection Branch is doing the job they are paid to do? Do you think the Consumer Protection Branch is offering a token effort just to shut people like me up? Do you think the Federal and Provincial governments are turning a blind eye on these rip-off Payday Loan firms? Harper conservatives enforce few laws against business. Business elects them.
The numbers I show above are breaking Canada's lending laws. I complained to the RCMP and they agreed it was excessive but also said it was a ' civil matter '. White collar fraud....A civil matter? Do the RCMP expect Pay Day Loan customers to pay $1500 to hire a lawyer.
This is a frustrating catch 22 for me as I watch these loan sharks continue to fleece my cigarette dependent friend of her money. Anthony Robinson
This hard working janitor cleans up the smelly stuff to make the place fresh for us along the shoreline, yet never send us a bill. Wish Pay Day Loan firms could have reasonable fees. TG
She would borrow $80 for three weeks and pay back $120. They would charge $40 to load that $80 on a card which gave her only $40. She borrowed $80 almost every month. er..$40.
Do you think a $17 dollar rebate covers those amazing over charges?
Do you think the Consumer Protection Branch is doing the job they are paid to do? Do you think the Consumer Protection Branch is offering a token effort just to shut people like me up? Do you think the Federal and Provincial governments are turning a blind eye on these rip-off Payday Loan firms? Harper conservatives enforce few laws against business. Business elects them.
The numbers I show above are breaking Canada's lending laws. I complained to the RCMP and they agreed it was excessive but also said it was a ' civil matter '. White collar fraud....A civil matter? Do the RCMP expect Pay Day Loan customers to pay $1500 to hire a lawyer.
This is a frustrating catch 22 for me as I watch these loan sharks continue to fleece my cigarette dependent friend of her money. Anthony Robinson
This hard working janitor cleans up the smelly stuff to make the place fresh for us along the shoreline, yet never send us a bill. Wish Pay Day Loan firms could have reasonable fees. TG
Monday, December 03, 2012
Pipeline Birds and Fish
Pipelines and delicate creatures like this waxwing can co-exist when Big Oil stops being so selfish. They want to pipe tar sands bitumen in heated pipes and under pressure to the BC coast to Kitimat.
Once again this is simply corporate greed exporting Canada's resources to be processed by cheap labour in China and/or India .
Why is there no talk of refining the bitumen in Alberta and shipping finished products that will not wreck our coastal marine life?
An Easy question to answer. Big oil is selfish. A refinery in Alberta would require union workers and decent wages. OMG, perish the thought. Don't let this line of thinking get out!
Mr. Black of Black Press newspapers slyly suggested a refinery at Kitimat. What's wrong with that? Bitumen bypassing the refinery and shipping directly to Asia is what is wrong with that. Not to mention the contamination risk of water resources from Alberta to the west coast.. Nice try Mr. Black, but please do not consider Canadians as fools.
The Harper government has stripped the teeth out of environment protection as it is. Once tar sand bitumen reaches Kitimat it would only take the stroke of a pen to allow ever greater black crude amounts to ship out from our coast.
BC still ships out a mass of raw logs, [ and exports jobs ], but our provincial government is on the ropes so no chance of change there.
Alberta oil and the corporations that profit from it is a different matter. They can easily afford to refine in Alberta and ship finished products for added profits to the province and Canada and preserve our coastal marine and bird life in so doing.
Mr. Black explained a refinery in Kitimat made sense because the refinery is built in modules that can be shipped in ...[ foreign jobs again ], more cheaply than construction in Alberta. Not a valid reason for risking water tables we need to live on from Alberta to the BC coastline in my humble opinion.
So we can have our cake and eat it too. Only don't wait for Big Oil or the Alberta government to mention how. They just want quick profits and to hell with our beautiful waters and shorelines.
This is what ex-Alberta premiere Lougheed had in mind when he suggested slowing down oil expansion a little,'s not going anywhere and prices tend to hold or go up, so why not do as the wise Mr. Lougheed suggested? TonyGutar - TG
Once again this is simply corporate greed exporting Canada's resources to be processed by cheap labour in China and/or India .
Why is there no talk of refining the bitumen in Alberta and shipping finished products that will not wreck our coastal marine life?
An Easy question to answer. Big oil is selfish. A refinery in Alberta would require union workers and decent wages. OMG, perish the thought. Don't let this line of thinking get out!
Mr. Black of Black Press newspapers slyly suggested a refinery at Kitimat. What's wrong with that? Bitumen bypassing the refinery and shipping directly to Asia is what is wrong with that. Not to mention the contamination risk of water resources from Alberta to the west coast.. Nice try Mr. Black, but please do not consider Canadians as fools.
The Harper government has stripped the teeth out of environment protection as it is. Once tar sand bitumen reaches Kitimat it would only take the stroke of a pen to allow ever greater black crude amounts to ship out from our coast.
BC still ships out a mass of raw logs, [ and exports jobs ], but our provincial government is on the ropes so no chance of change there.
Alberta oil and the corporations that profit from it is a different matter. They can easily afford to refine in Alberta and ship finished products for added profits to the province and Canada and preserve our coastal marine and bird life in so doing.
Mr. Black explained a refinery in Kitimat made sense because the refinery is built in modules that can be shipped in ...[ foreign jobs again ], more cheaply than construction in Alberta. Not a valid reason for risking water tables we need to live on from Alberta to the BC coastline in my humble opinion.
So we can have our cake and eat it too. Only don't wait for Big Oil or the Alberta government to mention how. They just want quick profits and to hell with our beautiful waters and shorelines.
This is what ex-Alberta premiere Lougheed had in mind when he suggested slowing down oil expansion a little,'s not going anywhere and prices tend to hold or go up, so why not do as the wise Mr. Lougheed suggested? TonyGutar - TG
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Loans Gouging in Canada?
At my elbow I have a loan agreement that a disability friend got from A BC payday loan store.
My friend, like most disabled persons, is addicted to cigarettes. The pay-day loan people know this and so they charge a massive interest for 10 to 20 day cigarette loans.
The loan term in this contract is only 11 days. Stated loan interest is $37.55
However the amount borrowed is $100 and the repayment amount is $200.84
The trick here is that loading a card for the customer with $100 value costs $50 and taxes.
There is no itemized mention for the card loading fee of $50
The loan contract includes four pages of fine print paper work so there is no way a customer can read and understand all the complexities. These disabled people need cigarettes so badly that they just sign the agreement regardless.
So with the card fee, $50 and the loan amount, $100, the amount owing becomes $163.29
Thus the total to be repaid is $200.84 for a loan of $100 for 11 days.
The annual interest rate stated on the contract is 763.046%. However, quick math on your part should give you a far different and higher interest rate.
Loading value on a gift card at Zeller's costs nothing. How do our Provincial and Federal governments allow a $50 fee for loading a card at the payday loan office?
How do our provincial and federal governments allow this loan gouging of disabled persons in Canada? Both the Harper conservative government and the Christi Clarke conservative government , disguised under the Liberal label, allow minimum or no regulations on business, but this free-for-all for profits is going too far. At least for those of us who have a slight idea of fairness in business.
What do you think? Is this unseen and unknown practice good business in your view?
PS: Snakes are beautiful . I really like snakes but loan gougers are the lowest. TG
Loan sharking white collar crime is condoned by Federal and Provincial conservative governments. The Christy Clark B.C. government is in fact Conservative under a false liberal label.
Fact: [1]
Fact [2]
Same CBC news story;
Fact [3]
There are 12 pages of irate comments on the CBC news website. Don't bother to comment there. While I like the CBC, it is clear that no one is listening. No one cares. Nothing is being done.
My disabled friend has made more than 10 of these desperate for cigarettes loans. There has never been a refund or penalty and the rip - off continues every day.
Only in Canada you say? Amazing and an absolute disgrace. TG
My friend, like most disabled persons, is addicted to cigarettes. The pay-day loan people know this and so they charge a massive interest for 10 to 20 day cigarette loans.
The loan term in this contract is only 11 days. Stated loan interest is $37.55
However the amount borrowed is $100 and the repayment amount is $200.84
The trick here is that loading a card for the customer with $100 value costs $50 and taxes.
There is no itemized mention for the card loading fee of $50
The loan contract includes four pages of fine print paper work so there is no way a customer can read and understand all the complexities. These disabled people need cigarettes so badly that they just sign the agreement regardless.
So with the card fee, $50 and the loan amount, $100, the amount owing becomes $163.29
Thus the total to be repaid is $200.84 for a loan of $100 for 11 days.
The annual interest rate stated on the contract is 763.046%. However, quick math on your part should give you a far different and higher interest rate.
Loading value on a gift card at Zeller's costs nothing. How do our Provincial and Federal governments allow a $50 fee for loading a card at the payday loan office?
How do our provincial and federal governments allow this loan gouging of disabled persons in Canada? Both the Harper conservative government and the Christi Clarke conservative government , disguised under the Liberal label, allow minimum or no regulations on business, but this free-for-all for profits is going too far. At least for those of us who have a slight idea of fairness in business.
What do you think? Is this unseen and unknown practice good business in your view?
PS: Snakes are beautiful . I really like snakes but loan gougers are the lowest. TG
Loan sharking white collar crime is condoned by Federal and Provincial conservative governments. The Christy Clark B.C. government is in fact Conservative under a false liberal label.
Fact: [1]
Thursday, November 11, 2010 | 6:38 AM PT
CBC News ' The maximum legal interest limit on loans is 23 per cent per year.'
April 14/2012 Friend's Loan contract on my desk states interest of $100 loan for 11 days equals...APR of 768 % Repay amt = $200.84Fact [2]
Same CBC news story;
'We're serious about enforcing consumer law.'—Manjit Bains, Consumer Protection BC.This contract on my desk proves that to be an amazing lie.
Fact [3]
There are 12 pages of irate comments on the CBC news website. Don't bother to comment there. While I like the CBC, it is clear that no one is listening. No one cares. Nothing is being done.
My disabled friend has made more than 10 of these desperate for cigarettes loans. There has never been a refund or penalty and the rip - off continues every day.
Only in Canada you say? Amazing and an absolute disgrace. TG
Payday loan company must refund B.C. fees
check the CBC facts, paste the link;
Thursday, February 02, 2012
One percent make silly errors
One Percent Make Errors
One percent of us hoards 99 percent of our national wealth. The one percent always declare that 'Greed is Good' . However, that can only be true in moderation, otherwise they choke the golden goose who provides that wealth ....We, who are the sheeple.
Unions raise our standards of living and living costs to some degree to be sure. Professional associations, on the other hand, raise our costs of living dramatically because, unlike unions, associations have no downward pressure against their alarming upward march to runaway levels of income greed.
Dental associations set rates that seem fit for only the highest income earners. Our national health costs have become impossible, because all health professionals belong to associations who set rates at ever higher levels. When we can not keep our teeth healthy the health care system is swamped with huge demand consequences. A government dental care subsidy would help preserve our health care system saving more than it costs.
Vets who care for your dog and cat have their association set rates surprisingly high. I was shocked to find that the cost to inject a final mercy needle for a very old cat was One Hundred and Thirty Dollars.
Clever CEOs make million dollar bonuses because they trick us common folk into paying much more for goods and services without us noticing how it is done and thus they avoid public backlash. No wonder they make the big bucks.
The crafty CEOs at BC Hydro adopted a two tier rate of billing for our electricity. The concept was to encourage us to use less and stay in the lower tier for the sake of the environment. No protest and no recognition of the trick in the media.
In reality though, this was a big rate increase, since no one can keep within the lower tier as the bar is set too low. If I , as a lone resident, and a frugal, [ Jack Benny Cheapo], type can not stay out of the upper tier of consumption, then it follows that no family household can avoid the upper tier and thus the higher electrical consumption rate hike.
The slick CEOs at BC Ferries managed to raise ferry fares Eighty Percent [80%] since 2003. According to an expert interviewed on the CBC. There was no massive revolt, however. Only recently has there been threats of boycott. Cleverness continues, and the BC Ferry execs promised that fares would not be raised again for a while. So boycott threats subside and we the sheeple are appeased.
Environment fees are another golden income goose for the government. Recently I paid a $6.50 enviro fee on a $89 printer. That’s a massive percentage rate for the fee. The government is raking in a golden windfall on these exorbitant fees. Good for provincial debt reduction and better odds for re-election. The BC HST was one sneaky venture that didn’t get by us. Goodbye premier Gordon Campbell. No bonus for you, only a giant sized pension.
Everywhere we turn, rates are going up while our incomes and jobs in general are going south. You would think the smart money hoarding one percent could see how this threatens the very value of their monopoly wealth.
On the CBC program 'The Dragons', where the phrase 'Greed is Good' is often spoken, they ask a contestant if he has an efficient plant where he can produce his new widgets.
The reflex answer is always, “Yes, we have a factory workforce lined up in China, ready and willing to begin production.”
No one raises an eyebrow. It seems that automatically everyone agrees cheap labour in China is the only logical choice.
So with costs rising and jobs going to Mexico, China, South Korea and Malaysia, one has to wonder how our quality of life in Canada can possibly continue.
The sillyness continues with our shipping out of raw logs and now the intent of shipping Tar Sands crude to China. That is export of Canadian jobs.
A new refinery in Western Canada seems a wiser investment. The costs of the two proposed pipelines, [Kitimat and Texas], and their risks to all water reserves seems like lunacy to me. Refined products dissipate if spilled at sea. Far better than the damage of crude tanker spills that sooner or later kill the BC and or China coastal seafood industries.
Would there be a backlash from millions of Chinese who depend on seafoods if our toxic Tar Sands crude were spilled over their shores, choking out all sea life?
Shipping Tar Sands crude to China seems crassly reckless. Aside from the certain toxic spill, there is the question of careful control of the toxic wastes from refining. China has contractors who dump wastes into the sea. Very profitable but not wise unless you have a clean planet to move to.
So the clever One percent, [Chevron, Exxon, Shell, Cinepec, etc], may consider keeping jobs in Canada, shipping cleaner value-added products and calming the rush to quick dirty profits via ill advised pipelines. One can only hope. They control Harper via funding elections. We the sheeple influence very few.
PS. Remember the BP Gulf Oil Spill?
BP was shown to be negligent for the huge Texas refinery explosion,2005, [ killing fifteen men]. A few years ago, Bp was made to pay the biggest corporate financial penalty in history. Is there a pattern? 60 Minutes TV...see previous post.
One percent of us hoards 99 percent of our national wealth. The one percent always declare that 'Greed is Good' . However, that can only be true in moderation, otherwise they choke the golden goose who provides that wealth ....We, who are the sheeple.
Unions raise our standards of living and living costs to some degree to be sure. Professional associations, on the other hand, raise our costs of living dramatically because, unlike unions, associations have no downward pressure against their alarming upward march to runaway levels of income greed.
Dental associations set rates that seem fit for only the highest income earners. Our national health costs have become impossible, because all health professionals belong to associations who set rates at ever higher levels. When we can not keep our teeth healthy the health care system is swamped with huge demand consequences. A government dental care subsidy would help preserve our health care system saving more than it costs.
Vets who care for your dog and cat have their association set rates surprisingly high. I was shocked to find that the cost to inject a final mercy needle for a very old cat was One Hundred and Thirty Dollars.
Clever CEOs make million dollar bonuses because they trick us common folk into paying much more for goods and services without us noticing how it is done and thus they avoid public backlash. No wonder they make the big bucks.
The crafty CEOs at BC Hydro adopted a two tier rate of billing for our electricity. The concept was to encourage us to use less and stay in the lower tier for the sake of the environment. No protest and no recognition of the trick in the media.
In reality though, this was a big rate increase, since no one can keep within the lower tier as the bar is set too low. If I , as a lone resident, and a frugal, [ Jack Benny Cheapo], type can not stay out of the upper tier of consumption, then it follows that no family household can avoid the upper tier and thus the higher electrical consumption rate hike.
The slick CEOs at BC Ferries managed to raise ferry fares Eighty Percent [80%] since 2003. According to an expert interviewed on the CBC. There was no massive revolt, however. Only recently has there been threats of boycott. Cleverness continues, and the BC Ferry execs promised that fares would not be raised again for a while. So boycott threats subside and we the sheeple are appeased.
Environment fees are another golden income goose for the government. Recently I paid a $6.50 enviro fee on a $89 printer. That’s a massive percentage rate for the fee. The government is raking in a golden windfall on these exorbitant fees. Good for provincial debt reduction and better odds for re-election. The BC HST was one sneaky venture that didn’t get by us. Goodbye premier Gordon Campbell. No bonus for you, only a giant sized pension.
Everywhere we turn, rates are going up while our incomes and jobs in general are going south. You would think the smart money hoarding one percent could see how this threatens the very value of their monopoly wealth.
On the CBC program 'The Dragons', where the phrase 'Greed is Good' is often spoken, they ask a contestant if he has an efficient plant where he can produce his new widgets.
The reflex answer is always, “Yes, we have a factory workforce lined up in China, ready and willing to begin production.”
No one raises an eyebrow. It seems that automatically everyone agrees cheap labour in China is the only logical choice.
So with costs rising and jobs going to Mexico, China, South Korea and Malaysia, one has to wonder how our quality of life in Canada can possibly continue.
The sillyness continues with our shipping out of raw logs and now the intent of shipping Tar Sands crude to China. That is export of Canadian jobs.
A new refinery in Western Canada seems a wiser investment. The costs of the two proposed pipelines, [Kitimat and Texas], and their risks to all water reserves seems like lunacy to me. Refined products dissipate if spilled at sea. Far better than the damage of crude tanker spills that sooner or later kill the BC and or China coastal seafood industries.
Would there be a backlash from millions of Chinese who depend on seafoods if our toxic Tar Sands crude were spilled over their shores, choking out all sea life?
Shipping Tar Sands crude to China seems crassly reckless. Aside from the certain toxic spill, there is the question of careful control of the toxic wastes from refining. China has contractors who dump wastes into the sea. Very profitable but not wise unless you have a clean planet to move to.
So the clever One percent, [Chevron, Exxon, Shell, Cinepec, etc], may consider keeping jobs in Canada, shipping cleaner value-added products and calming the rush to quick dirty profits via ill advised pipelines. One can only hope. They control Harper via funding elections. We the sheeple influence very few.
PS. Remember the BP Gulf Oil Spill?
BP was shown to be negligent for the huge Texas refinery explosion,2005, [ killing fifteen men]. A few years ago, Bp was made to pay the biggest corporate financial penalty in history. Is there a pattern? 60 Minutes TV...see previous post.
Friday, June 04, 2010
BP Whistleblowers mean BP must pay for Oil Spill
There are two whistleblowers who did work for BP giving eveidence to CBS 60 Minutes. These two men show clearly that BP was in a rush and ignored the safety of everyone on the platform.
The first man, [Mike Willams] worked on the rig and noticed broken rubber sealing parts in the drilling mud flow. The BP supervisor ignored his warnings and pressed on with production.
The second person [ Ken Abbott ], is an engineer who reviewed hundreds of blueprint drawings for another BP platform [ Atlantis ], with a far bigger oil flow capacity. He is very worried because in typical BP high pressure fashion, 89 to 95 percent of the blueprints were never properly reviewed and approved.
This Link is to CBS 60 minutes excellent account with inside information from Mike Williams.
Whitleblowers, those who have the courage to come forth with the truth, are essential if justice is ever to be fair and accurate.
This is the most dramatic and gripping occount of events I have ever seen. Not to be missed.
BP was shown to be negligent for the huge Texas refinery explosion,2005, [ killing fifteen men]. A few years ago, Bp was made to pay the biggest corporate financial penalty in history. Is there a pattern?
Labels: 60 minutes, BP, BP Oil Spill, CBS, drilling, oil, platform, spill, whistleblower, whistleblowers
Friday, June 06, 2008
Freedom ebbs in Canada via HRC - Human Rights Commissions

Harper and the Conservatives are doing a generally good job, yet there are loose ends that must be cleared up.
Pressed for time? Not really interested? Well here in short form, I ask, is this OK with you?
Freedom quietly ebbs away in Canada via [amateur paralegal] Human Rights Commissions.
In a nutshell then, here is why the Human Rights Commission related trials in Vancouver are so important.
Some Provincial Human Rights *police* have been abusing their powers.
In the beginning they protected rights of the minority from unfair discrimination. A good thing.
Recently they have been unfairly leveling charges and penalties upon authors who express opinions about things like the influence of immigrant groups. Not the same as malicious slander at all.
Authors have made observations about fund raising for terrorist groups, risk prone religious practice, and dress that conceals a person*s identity.
A free society should be able to talk about things that affect our security and freedom even if it does relate to one religious or ethnic group, so long as the debate contains no slur or disrespect.
The discussion of policy and security is not * hate speech*, yet the HRC can charge an author who writes about *sensitive* issues with a crime.
The government backed HRC [appointees], can lay charges and prosecute the author while attending their own employment five days a week without any cost or penalty, except for some overtime if desired.
The author must be absent from employment and pay for lawyers, assuming debt from day one and then certainly pay financial penalties as the HRC has never lost a case so far. [ Fishy?] a Kangaroo Court that is not a real court yet operates in Canada? Impossible, you say? Wanna* bet?
The freedom to express opinions or report on the dangers of some religious customs and deceptive fund raising is squashed by the HRC. Clearly un-Canadian , deceptive and dangerous. [ No appeal ].
Keep Canada free. Do not allow the HRC to stifle opinion and debate in magazines like Macleans, the National Post or the bogosphere.
Learn about this under-reported fiasco in the Steyn - Levant - Macleans Magazine VS Human Rights Commission series on Canadian Blogsite @ -
= TG
Labels: Canada, Commission, freedom, Human Rights, Levant, Macleans, Steyn