Sunday, December 17, 2006


Russia Mafia Servers and Crime

Beware: and
Attackers target Russian hosting firm

At least 470 Valuehost sites carrying malware scripts
Shaun Nichols in California, 04 Dec 2006

A Russian hosting company with ties to the UK and the US has become the victim of a huge hack attack, a security firm warned today.

Valuehost is reportedly hosting over 470 servers that are infected with scripts that attempt to run malware on a user's computer.

Security firm Kaspersky Lab reported that a user contacted the company after he had noticed " strange behaviour" from his browser. The antivirus software vendor said the site contained scripts that downloaded a Trojan installer.

According to Kaspersky, the user visited after seeing the site advertised on TV. Upon visiting the site, a second browser window was launched and the malicious scripts then attempted to run.

Kaspersky Lab said that it later found that more than 470 other servers had been compromised with the same attack. Those servers, according to Kaspersky, were all traced back to Valuehost.

Valuehost offers hosting services to more than 60,000 Russian sites, and the company also offers hosting in the UK and the US., and were all down at the time of publication of this article.

Valuehost had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.===== [ Typical ] ===

In May, Valuehost's email addresses were spoofed in order to carry out an email Trojan attack.
Russian Servers crime is on Overdrive. = TG

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